Materials Chemistry Laboratory


  • PHD Members
Nazra Nawaz

She worked on the crystal structure, disorder modeling and charge density analysis of amino acids. Now she is working as…

Aqsa Bilal

Aqsa did her MPhil under the supervision of Dr. Maqsood Ahmed and currently she is pursuing her PhD where she…

Infal Iqbal

Infal successfully defended her MPhil thesis on 09-11-2019 under the supervision of Dr. Maqsood Ahmed and currently she is working…

Alia Iqbal

She joined Material Chemistry Laboratory in 2017 to pursue her M.Phil where she has been working on the enhancement of…

Sehrish Akram

After doing her MPhil under the supervision of Dr. Maqsood Ahmed, Sehrish Akram is continuing her PhD. She is working…

Faisal Shehzad

He is the second year PhD scholar in the Material chemistry laboratory where he is working on optimization the conditions…


During his M.Phil. he worked on removal of dyes from aqueous solution by raw and magnetically modified fruit waste of…


  • Mphil
MPhil 2020-2022

The following MPhil scholars are currently working under the supervision of Dr. Maqsood Ahmed. All of them are mainly using…


  • Past Members
Muhammad Ali

Ali has earned his MPhil degree in 2020 carrying out topological analysis of metal-oxygen bonds in inorganic materials under the…

Farah Fahim

Farah has a background in inorganic chemistry. She has worked under the supervision of Dr. Maqsood Ahmed on the synthesis…

Asma Hasil

Asma Hasil has successfully defended her MPhil thesis on 07-10-2019 under the supervision of Dr. Maqsood Ahmed. Congratulations Asma! Currently…

Ayesha Rehmat

Ayesha Rehmat has successfully defended her MPhil thesis on 10th December 2019. Congratulations Ayesha

Saira Yaseen

She has successfully defended her MPhil thesis under the supervision of Dr. Sajida Noureen. Congratulations Saira!

Syed Ubaid Hussain

Ubaid has successfully defended his MPhil thesis under the supervision of Dr. sajida Noureen on 04 October 2019. Congratulations Ubaid.

Zahra Razzaq

Zahra has successfully defended his MPhil thesis under the supervision of Dr. sajida Noureen on 04 October 2019. Congratulations Zahra.

Irum Razzaq

Irum has successfully defended his MPhil thesis under the supervision of Dr. sajida Noureen on 04 October 2019. Congratulations Irum.