Materials Chemistry Laboratory

List of Publications

39. Afshan Khurshid, Muhammad Zaeem Idrees, Faroha Liaqat, Maqsood Ahmed, Ehsan Ullah Mughal, M. Naveed Zafar (2024), J. Mol. Structure. 1318, 139347-139362. Pincer shaped N-Mesoionic Pyridylidene Amide (PYA) for palladium catalyzed CO2 reduction

36-Nadia Arif, Zahid Shafiq, Sajida Noureen, Muhammad Khalid, Abida Ashraf, Muhammad Yaqub, Shabana Irshad, Muhammad Usman Khan, Muhammad Nadeem Arshad, Ataualpa Albert Carmo Braga, Ahmed H. Ragabh and Saedah R. Al-Mhyawii  (2023). RSC Advances, 13, 464-477.Synthesis, spectroscopic, SC-XRD/DFT and non-linear optical (NLO) properties of chromene derivativess

35- Sehrish Akram, Arshad Mehmood, Sajida Noureen, Maqsood Ahmed (2023). CrystEngComm, 25, 6478-6488. In the pursuit of a ‘disappearing’ anhydrous phase of the antipyrine–dipicolinic acid (ANT–DPA) co-crystal: explained through relative stability and charge density analyses

33-Afshan Khurshid, Tania Tanveer, Komal Hafeez, Maqsood Ahmed, Zareen Akhtar and M. Naveed Zafar RSC Adv., 2023, 13, 34817-34825. Palladium-anchored donor-flexible pyridylidene amide (PYA) electrocatalysts for CO2 reduction.

32-Aliya Ajaz, Muhammad Ashraf Shaheen, Maqsood Ahmed, Khurram Shahzad Munawar,Abu Bakar Siddique, Abdul Karim, Nazir Ahmad and Muhammad Fayyaz ur Rehman (2023). RSC Advances, 13, 2756-2767. Synthesis of an amantadine-based novel Schiff base and its transition metal complexes as potential ALP, a-amylase, and a-glucosidase inhibitors

http://DOI: 10.1039/d2ra07051k

31-Aqsa Bilal, Arshad Mehmood, Sajida Noureen, Claude Lecomte, Maqsood Ahmed (2022). CrystEngComm, 24, 7758-7770. Crystal engineering of a co-crystal of antipyrine and 2-chlorobenzoic acid: relative energetic contributions based on multipolar refinement

29- Alia. Iqbal, Arshad. Mehmood, Sajida. Noureen, Claude. Lecomte and Maqsood. Ahmed (2021) Acta Cryst. B77, 1035-1047. Crystal engineering of co-crystal of nicotinic acid and pyrogallol: an experimental and theoretical electron density analysis

28-Muhammad Arshad, Kainat Ahmed, Maryam Bashir, Naveen Kosar, Maleeha Kanwal, Maqsood Ahmed, Hidayat Ullah Khan, Shahnaz Khan, Abdul Rauf, Amir Waseem, Tariq Mahmood (2021).  J. Mol. Structure , Volume 1246, 131204-131217. Synthesis, structural properties and potent bioactivities supported by molecular docking and DFT studies of new hydrazones derived from 5-chloroisatin and 2-thiophenecarboxaldehyde

27-Hamid Raza, Ibrahim Yildiz, Farhat Yasmeen, Khurram S. Munawar, Muhammad Ashfaq,
Muzafar Abbas, Maqsood Ahmed, Hussein A. Younus, Shiguo Zhang, Nazir Ahmad (2021). Journal of Colloids and Interface Science, 602, 43-54. Synthesis of a 2D copper(II)-carboxylate framework having ultrafast adsorption of organic dyes

26. Wardah Shahid, Syeda Abida Ejaz, Mariya al-Rashida, Muhammad Saleem, Maqsood Ahmed, Jameel Rahman, Naheed Riaz, Muhammad Ashraf (2021). Bio-Organic Chemistry, 110, 104818-104831. Identification of NSAIDs as lipoxygenase inhibitors through highly sensitive chemiluminescence method, expression analysis in mononuclear cells and computational studies

24. Muhammad U Faroque, Arshad Mehmood, Sajida Noureen, Maqsood Ahmed (2020). J. Molecular Structure (1214) 128183 Crystal engineering and electrostatic properties of co-crystals of pyrimethamine with benzoic acid and gallic acid.

23. Maharzadi Noureen Shahi, Alia Iqbal, Rashida Bibi, Misbah-ul-Ain Khan, Maqsood Ahmed, Sajida Noureen (2020). J. Mol. Structure. 1206, 127657-127668. Syntheses and electron density distribution studies in two new imidazole derivatives.

22. Warda Hassan, Sajida Noureen, Mujahid Mustaqeem, Tawfik A. Saleh, Shagufta Zafar (2020) Surfaces and Interfaces 20, 100510 Efficient adsorbent derived from Haloxylon recurvum plant for the adsorption of acid brown dye: Kinetics, isotherm and thermodynamic optimization

18. Erum Akbar Hussain, Nosheen Kanwal, Islam Ullah Khan, Sadaf Mutahir, Muhammad Asim Khan, Maqsood Ahmed, Arshad Mahmood, Onur Sahin, Mehmet Akkurt, Muhammad Yar. (2018). Lett. Org. Chem., 15(3). 163-170. Green and Facile Reaction of Gabapentin with Sulfonyl Chlorides to Synthesize Lactams and Sulfonamides Derivatives in Aqueous Medium

17. Ammara Shahid, Sajida Noureen, Muhammad Iqbal Choudhary, Sammer Yousuf and Maqsood Ahmed Acta Cryst. (2017). C73, 430–436; Crystal structure and electrostatic properties of prednisolone acetate studied using a transferred multipolar atom model  

Published on the cover of the journal

16. Umer Younas, Shahid Iqbal, Asif Saleem, Munawar Iqbal, Arif Nazir, Sajida Noureen, Karamat Mehmood and Numrah Nisar (2017), Acta Ecologica Sinica, 37(4), 236-239. Fertilizer industrial effluents: Physico-chemical characterization and water quality parameters evaluation

15. Muhammad Umer Faroque, Sammer Yousuf, Salman Zafar, M. Iqbal Choudhary and Maqsood Ahmed (2016). Acta Cryst. C72, 398–404; Transferred multipolar atom model for 10β,17β-dihydroxy-17α methylestr-4-en-3-one dehydrate obtained from the biotransformation of methyloestrenolone.

14. Maqsood Ahmed, Ayoub Nassour, Sajida Noureen, Claude Lecomte, Christian Jelsch. (2016). Acta Cryst. B72, 75-86. “Experimental and Theoretical charge density analysis of 1,4-bis (5-hexyl-2-thienyl) butane-1,4 dione: Applications of a virtual atom model.  

13. Mariya Al-Rashida, Syeda Abida Ejaz, Sharafat Ali, Aisha Shaukat, Mahwish Hamayoun, Maqsood Ahmed, Jamshed Iqbal (2015). Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 23, 2435-2444. “Diarylsulfonamides and their bioisosteres as dual inhibitors of alkaline phosphatase and carbonic anhydrase: structure activity relationship and molecular modelling studies”.

12. Bartosz Zarychta, Artem Lyubimov, Maqsood Ahmed, Parthapratim Munshi, Benoit Guillot, Alice Vrielink and Christian Jelsch. (2015). Acta Crystallographica Section D 71, 954-968. “Ultra high resolution crystal structure and charge density study of cholesterol oxidase.”

11. Yar, M., Bajda, M., Shahzadi, L., Shahzad, S. A., Ahmed, M., Ashraf, M., Alam, U., Khan, I. U., Khan. A. F. (2014). Bioorganic Chemistry. 54, 96-104. “Novel synthesis of dihydropyrimidines for α-glucosidase inhibition to treat type 2 diabetes: in vitro biological evaluation and in silico docking”.

10. Ahmed, M., Yar, M., Nassour, A., Guillot, B., Lecomte, C., Jelsch. C. (2013). J. Phys. Chem. A 117, 14267-14275 Experimental and theoretical charge density analysis of a bromoethyl sulphonium salt: Atmic charges and their implications for reaction mechanism.

9. Ahmed, M., Jelsch. C., Guillot, B., Lecomte, C., Domagała, S. (2013). Cryst. Growth Des. 13, 315-325. Relationship between stereochemistry and charge density in hydrogen bonds with oxygen acceptors.

http://DOI: 10.1021/cg3014656.

8. Tabussum, A., Riaz, N., Saleem, M, Ashraf, M., Ahmad, M., Alam, U., Jabeen, B., Malik, A., Jabbar, A. (2013). PhytochemistryLetters. 6, 614-619. “α-Glucosidase inhibitory constituents from Chrozophora plicata”.

7. Jabeen, B., Riaz, N., Saleem, M., Ahmed, M., Naveed, M. A., Tahir, M. N., Pescitelli, G., Ashraf, M., Ejaz, S. A., Ahmed, I., Jabbar, A. (2013). Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung B – Chemical Sciences. 68b, 1041-1048. “ Isolation and Characterization of Limonoids from Kigelia africana”.  DOI: 10.5560/ZNB.2013-3096

5. Farrukh, M. A., Ahmed, M., Mohamed, S. K., Marzouk, A. A., El-Moghazy, S. M. (2013). Acta Cryst. E69, o936-o937


4. Farrukh, M. A., Mohamed, S. K., Ahmed, M., Marzouk, A. A., El-Moghazy, S. M. (2013). Acta Cryst. E69, o295–o296.


3. Sajida Noureen, Stefano Caramori, Antonio Monari, Xavier Assfeld, Roberto Argazzi, Carlo A. Bignozzi, Marc Beley and Philippe C. Gros (2012), Dalton Transactions, 41, 4833. Strong π -delocalization and substitution effect on electronic properties of dithienylpyrrole-containing bipyridine ligands and corresponding ruthenium complexes.

1. Domagała, S., Munshi, P. M., Ahmed, M., Guillot, B., Jelsch. C. (2011). . Acta cryst. B67, 63-78. Structural Analysis and Multipole Modelling of Quercetin Monohydrate – A Quantitative and Comparative Study
